Tuesday 19 December 2017

Journal Entry #8 Facing Fake News

When looking at the photo of the flowers, I thought this image did not provide strong evidence about the conditions near the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, it made me very curious whether to believe it or not. Even though the flowers looked damaged, I still think they could of been photo shopped. I thought this would of been considered fake news because there was not enough information such as other pictures or other sources to prove it. I did not consider this article a reliable source of the nuclear disaster because it left me asking too many questions, until I went into further research of the Nuclear Disaster. I first researched if a nuclear disaster happened in Japan on March 11th at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant and I found out it actually did happen according to this website. After reading along this website I came to realize that the disaster was factual news.

This article could be the same as the topic of Yellow Journalism, this news could be used to make money and to get their name out there to become popular/famous. I would not consider this news article Satire news because Satire and fake news are quite different and Satire news is easily spotted, unlike this picture. Fake news is considered dangerous because people will take false information and spread it around. Fake news is also dangerous because people can take action against the topic of the fake news with the wrong information in their head and cause a big racket. Spotting fake news is usually very hard but it is very important to find. The fact checking tool kit is a great thing to use when trying to spot fake news , because finding the real facts is an important element in news articles,

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